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At RedHot we bring curiosity and experience in finding new answers.  This gives us flexibility to work across diverse fields and through our staff and our partners we can generally bring outstanding results to any problem.  


Some of the cool things that we are working on are shown below 

RedHot City Analytics

We are working to develop bespoke community centric analytics helping improve understanding of the complex systems that operate within urban environment and understand the implications for people from a social, community and health outcome perspective.  This is stepping beyond traditional planning that is struggling to manage housing, transport, energy and health in all major cities and developing analytics that highlight new ways of thinking and new opportunities for our cities and communities to become more liveable and more economically and socially sustainable.​

Business Solutions

Redhot Business Solutions is developing and delivering transformation through business solutions leveraging commonly available technology and good business process and capability.  This drives new ways of working, technology simplification and cost reduction

RedHot Sports and Media

We are working with some fantastic partners to develop innovate new products in the sports and media space.  Can’t wait to be able to share with you all once that is ready to share.

RedHot GeoEngineering

With increasing awareness of climate change, the demand for innovative solutions in ever increasing.  RedHot GeoEngineering is working on methods to influence and counteract the atmospheric changes that have occurred since industrialisation. 

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