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RedHot Innovation brings highly capable and experienced professionals to work with you to drive new ways of thinking, to find new solutions and to build capability to make sustainable change.

Complex problems often mean asking new questions, informed by new ways of thinking and potentially relying on new data and different types of analytics.  Developing these new way of thinking and then converting them into something real and deliverable requires skill and capability to embed transformation.

At RedHot Innovation we operate differently to bring new ways of thinking to existing and complex problems.  We are a technology independent organisation with a diverse partner network so that we are able to bring outstanding strategic advice, smarter ways of managing data and analytics and driving transformation that delivers in the short term, but also sets up new ways of working so that continuous improvement opportunities can be built on scalable and repeatable processes.

Strategy and Advisory

Helping you understand and define the challenges more clearly and helping asking the right questions.

  • Understanding the problem being solved and developing a clarity of approach is key to successful innovation and transformation.  So often organisations repeat the same behaviours and try and solve complex problems using the same tools of the past. 

  • Modern reality is that society, business and technology are all changing so rapidly, that new approaches need to be utilised.  As a society and as organisations, often modern problems are complex and cannot be readily solved using the thinking of the past.

  • RedHot Innovation specialises in working to understand this complexity and find new and smarter ways to understand it, analyse it and solve it.  This can include challenging paradigms, opening up the problem more broadly, reframing strategies and when required developing bespoke analytics to get genuine clarity around the challenge being addressed.  This can be large and complex challenges, or even smarter ways to manage your operations or services or architect solutions.

  • If your organisation is facing complex problems, give us a call and we can talk about options for a focussed strategic review or our innovation workshops.


taking ideas and planning and delivering real organisational change takes engagement and careful leadership through complex culture and people change

  • Planning.  While the temptation is always to jump straight in, get a good idea and start running with it, in reality, effective planning is key.  Changing the way people think, act and feel is not a trivial matter and takes a journey.  The data, analytics and technology are important, but the people on the transformation are the ones that will make it stick in the long term

  • Implementation.  Taking a new concept and working it through implementation to delivery is always a challenge.  If it was easy, everyone would do it.  Success through implementation takes effective leadership throughout, quality management, clarity and consistency.  At RedHot we have and partner with experienced leaders to make sure that the good ideas, become successful projects, products and change.


Properly harnessing smarter analytics that align to new strategies, reframe complex problems, identify new solutions and support effective transformation bringing new analytics tools and techniques to the table

  • New ways of using Data.  We all hear every day about the ever-growing Data verse and how more and more data will save the world.  In reality, there are still a lot of major challenges, social challenges and business opportunities where the data hasn’t fixed the problem yet.  To solve complex challenges and find new solutions means looking at data in different ways, assembling it differently and asking it different questions.

  • Diverse and bespoke analytics.  At RedHot we tailor the analytical approach to the problem being solved.  We understand how data works and how to build new and bespoke analytics systems to help provide data driven input into major decision making and problem solving.  It is not good enough to work on hunches and getting opinions from “multiple experienced professionals” often amounts to an echo chamber.  We have experience in working with these experienced professionals to show them the value of bespoke analytics to broaden the ability to answer new questions, or to find better answers to old questions. 

Specialized Advisory Services

Within the RedHot Network we work in a range of diverse fields to find new ways of addressing complex problems and implementation based on proven experience, agility and attention to detail.  Which means we get to work on some interesting projects at times.

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